Once upon a time, I liked Bill O'Reilly---but then again, that was like 4 years ago, before I was old enough to drive--or as I can see now, think for myself. I haven't really payed attention to him for years...but then this whole Daily Kos thing came about..and all I can say is "Wow". Seriously now, what else is there to say? Does he not understand how the internet works? Hundreds of thousands of people read that blog--they read the dozens of new postings made every day, and in seconds can make a comment on those postings. Offensive things are bound to be said..it's the reality facing any well-read blog. Bill doesn't understand that, though--he reads of these comments on his show, passing off the Daily Kos as a hate website---then has some little intern from his office bombard the CEO of JetBlue, since they were (and have since cancelled) sponsoring the YearlyKos event in Chicago. You gotta feel for that JetBlue guy, though. He has enough to worry about without some self-absorbed prick from Fox News wasting his time.
I'm thinking, though--Bill O'Relly isn't stupid. Weird, self-obsessed, harmful to political dialogue, yes---but not stupid. He must realize that what he's doing here is silly, but he's already dedicated so much time and energy into it...he won't let it go now. He'll keep spewing this crap until he runs out of material, taking solice in the notion that he's hurting the reputation of a liberal website.
His style of reporting wouldn't be so bad if he weren't so biased, if he actually were fair and balanced. I'd LOVE LOVE LOVE to seem him attack the freaky far-right like he does the hippy far-left. But he doesn't. He claims to have just as many liberal guests as he does conservative guests--and I'm sure that's true. But he has the conservatives on to provide input. He has the liberals on for him to argue with, in a debate set up that makes it look like he won no matter what really happens..even if he does have to cut a mic in the process. Like here:
O’Reilly cuts Hall’s mic to get the last word about BilloReilly.com’s HATE comments
In conculsion: Bill Oreilly = Ewwww.
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