Sunday, July 29, 2007

the American Family Association

Ahhhhh, the American Family Association (AFA). You would think with a name like that, that they would be concerned with falling wages, the shrinking middle-class, rising crime, and the horrendous number of uninsured children in our nation.

But no, of course not. They're a Christian organization, you know, pro-family....which obviously means hating anything pro-gay rights, pro-choice, or anything that shows the seperation between church and state is still alive and well in this country. They may the the American Family Association, but it is very clear that they only care about your family if it's led by a heterosexual, evangelical, Republican-voting couple.

I check out their website once in a while, just to see what's happenin' on the Christian-extremist front, and they never fail to shock me with their OBSESSION with anything gay related. (they're the ones that tried to boycott Disney; remember that?)

Take a look for yourself:

^thanks to for the images. I would have taken my own screen-shots, but the seems less gay obessesed today than usual--instead focusing on evolution, and stem cell research.

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